For those of you who like science or natural history museums, zoos, or other science-related venues (or who have family members that do), here is a money-saving tip for you. NOTE: This tip works especially well for those who travel to various states and/or countries throughout the year.
Buy a membership to one of the museums in your state that participates in the Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC) and you can take advantage of their Travel Passport Program. There are over 300 museums and science centers who participate in this program; your membership will get you free admission, and/or discounts at gift shops, and/or other benefits at all of the other participating science centers!
For instance, if you have a membership at the Gateway to Science (in North Dakota), you can use your membership at any of the other participating locations. We have a membership in one of our state's participating museums, and have used it to visit WONDERFUL museums in every other state we have visited, including the Virginia Living Museum, the Orlando Science Center (Florida), and the Arizona Science Center, to name just a few. We received free admission for a family of 4, plus discounts at the gift shops, and sometimes even at food concessions. Best of all--we discovered so many great science centers, which we probably would never have even visited but for the fact that they were ASTC members!
There are a few caveats:
1. Each museum's discount is slightly different--for example some offer free admission for families of 4, some offer for additional family members, some offer discounts at gift stores etc.
2. The list of participating museums and centers changes every 6 months, so make sure to check it before you embark on your trip.
3. Science centers and museums that are located within 90 miles of each other are excluded
from the program unless that exclusion is lifted by mutual agreement. (
90 miles is measured "as the crow flies" and not by driving distance).
4. Finally, to receive Travel Passport Program benefits, you must live more than 90
miles away ("as the crow flies") from the center/museum you wish to
For more information, visit the website . And go have fun learning about science!
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